Environmental declaration 2024 (in national language)
Der Audi Q6 e-tron steht mit seiner Produktsubstanz für Vorsprung durch Technik. Das Modell zeichnet sich nicht nur durch beeindruckende Fahr- und Ladeleistungen aus, sondern auch durch gesteigerte Effizienz und große Reichweite: der Audi Q6 e-tron quattro1 mit 285 kW Die strategische Messgröße dabei ist der im Volkswagenkonzern entwickelte Dekarbonisierungsindex (DKI)⁴, der auf den Ökobilanzen⁵ beruht, die für alle Fahrzeuge der AUDI AG erstellt werden. Am Lebensende der E-Fahrzeuge verfolgt Audi verschiedene Ansätze im Umgang mit den einzelnen Bestandteilen der Elektroauto-Batterie: Die Weiterverwendung in einem anderen Anwendungsfall, für den die verbleibende Leistung noch ausreichend ist („Reuse“); das Ertüchtigen der Batterie für einen und der Audi SQ6 e-tron2 mit 380 kW. Neben der sou- veränen Leistung überzeugt die Reichweite: Mit bis zu 641 Kilometern nach WLTP gehört der Audi Q6 e-tron³ zu den reichweitenstärksten Modellen in seinem Segment. Dank der 800-Volt-Technik und einer serienmäßigen maximalen DC-Ladeleistung von bis zu 270 kW (kombinierter Wert) sind mit den Fahrzeugen der Q6 e-tron Baureihe kurze Ladestopps möglich. So lassen sich an einer entsprechenden Ladesäule (High Power Charging, HPC) in nur zehn Minuten bis zu 255 Kilometer Reichweite nachladen. In rund 21 Minuten steigt der State of Charge (SoC) von 10 auf 80 Prozent*. Die Dekarbonisierungsstrategie der AUDI AG bezieht neben der Elektrifizierung der Modellpalette die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette mit ein: Von der Gewinnung der Rohstoffe, der Fahrzeugproduktion, der Kraftstoff- bzw. Strombereitstellung, der Fahremissionen bis zum Recycling. Ziel ist die Reduzierung des CO₂-Fußabdrucks (im Lebenszyklus) je Fahrzeugmodell auf Flottenbasis um 40 % bis 2030 (gegenüber dem Basisjahr 2018). erneuten Einsatz im Fahrzeug („Remanufacturing“) sowie der sogenannte „Second Life“-Ansatz, bei dem die Akkus noch jahrelang außerhalb eines E-Fahrzeuges genutzt werden, z.
2023: Combined Annual and Sustainability Report
The clear goal of the Four Rings is to breathe new life into “Vorsprung durch Technik,” bring the company closer to its customers and strengthen quality. This applies to all products and is also a mindset for the entire company. Audi SQ6 e-tron: electric power consumption (combined) in kWh/100 km: 18.4–17.5; CO₂ emissions (combined) in g/km: 0; CO₂ class: A. Ph ot o: A U D I A G Strategy & Company Finance ESG Appendix 10 Audi Report 2023 Exhausted but happy, Carlos Sainz and his co-driver Lucas Cruz sit on the roof of the Audi RS Q e-tron.¹ Slowly, they coast through the cheering crowd at the finish of the legendary Dakar Rally. When they get off the car, they fall into the team’s arms. After many months of working, fighting and hoping for this moment, it is finally here: Audi has won its first Dakar Rally – after 12 stages and 4,600 kilometers racing over sand, rocks and gravel. It is a historic success: Audi is the first manufacturer ever to win the world’s toughest rally with an electric drive system. “With this victory, Audi has laid yet another milestone in the world of motorsport,” says Gernot Döllner, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, as he congratulates the team. Much more importantly for him: “We set ourselves a realistic target in the run-up to this rally, then did everything we could as a team to achieve that target and proved that with ‘Vorsprung durch Technik’ and our commitment to quality, we can take a vehicle all the way to the top Gernot Döllner Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG Historic: Carlos Sainz (right) and Lucas Cruz from Spain celebrate the first Dakar Rally victory for Audi at the finish. After 12 stages stretching over towering dunes, sharp rubble and dirt roads, they came top of the overall standings with the Audi RS Q e-tron.¹ ¹ Audi RS Q e-tron: This vehicle is the Dakar Rally race car; it is not available for purchase. Closed track, professional driver. Do not imitate.
Environmental Declaration 2023
Audi Vorsprung durch Technik Energy Analytics 20
Audi Report 2022
Closed material cycles, which we are increasingly establishing, also offer opportunities here. ... the affirmation of the corporate strategy “Vorsprung 2030” Despite changes in the underlying conditions, “Vorsprung 2030” continues to provide the right answers. In fact, the major trends of digitalization, electrification and decarbonization have been given a tailwind by recent developments. Digitalization has gained further momentum as a result of the corona virus pandemic. Accordingly, software, connectivity and the development of a digital ecosystem surround ing the car remain key fields of action for us. And the current fossil fuel crisis validates our early and firm decision to phase out the production of the last internal combusion engines by 2023. … measures for reducing CO₂ at Audi Electric drives are the best and most efficient solution we know to move away from fossil fuels in individual transportation. But we are aware that electric cars currently enter the use phase with a larger carbon footprint. And that is precisely where we are taking action: we are making our plants net carbon-neutral¹ by 2025 and working with our suppliers to decarbonize the supply chain; as an example, we now require them to manufacture battery cells using green electricity. Our overall goal is to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the life cycle of our vehicles by 40 percent by 2030 compared with the reference year 2018. As such, we as car manufacturers have a great deal of leverage for greater sustainability. ... Audi becoming involved in Formula 1 and why 2026 is the right time to do so Formula 1 is the ideal stage for us to demonstrate “Vorsprung durch Technik” and to further raise the pro file of the Audi brand worldwide. The sport is watched by around 700 million fans on all five continents. That means a massive reach, and it comes at a limited cost thanks to the racing series’ spending cap – meaning that Formula 1 has a very good return on investment.
Dates for digital career orientation at Audi Neckarsulm
Wir leben Vorsprung. Dienstag, 26.04.2022 Mittwoch, 27.04.2022 Donnerstag, 28.04.2022 Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Mechatroniker_in 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Kraftfahrzeugmechatroniker_in 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Fertigungsmechaniker_in 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Fachinformatiker_in 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Werkfeuerwehrmann/-frau 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Werkzeugmechaniker_in 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Elektroniker_in für Automatisierungstechnik 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Karoserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechaniker_in 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr INTERNAL Bereit für die Mobilität von morgen? Dann melde dich an unter audi.com/deineZukunft stream&chat Digitale Infos zum DHBW Studium bei Audi Entdecke das duale Studium in Livestreams bequem von Zuhause und erhalte Informationen aus erster Hand. Wir leben Vorsprung. Mittwoch, 29.06.2022 16:30 – 17:00 Uhr Mein Weg durchs duale Studium bei Audi 17:15 – 17:45 Uhr Bachelor of Science – Die Digitalisierung formen 18:00 – 18:30 Uhr Bachelor of Engineering – Die Technik prägen 18:45 – 19:15 Uhr Bachelor of Arts – Die Kunst gestalten
Dates for digital career orientation at Audi Ingolstadt
Wir leben Vorsprung. Dienstag, 05.04.2022 Mittwoch, 06.04.2022 Donnerstag, 07.04.2022 Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Mechatroniker_in 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Fahrzeuglackierer_in 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Fertigungsmechaniker_in 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Fachinformatiker_in 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbaumechaniker_in 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Werkzeugmechaniker_in 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Kaufmann/-frau für Digitalisierungsmanagement 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Kraftfahrzeugmechatroniker_in 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Werkfeuerwehrmann/-frau 19:15 – 19:45 Uhr INTERNAL Bereit für die Mobilität von morgen? Dann melde dich an unter audi.com/deineZukunft stream&chat Digitale Berufsorientierung bei Audi Entdecke die Berufsausbildung und das duale Studium in Livestreams bequem von Zuhause und erhalte Informationen aus erster Hand. Alle Berufe richten sich an alle Geschlechter (m/w/d). Wir leben Vorsprung. Montag, 27.06.2022 Dienstag, 28.06.2022 Mittwoch, 29.06.2022 Allgemeine Informationen zum dualen Studium 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Allgemeine Informationen zum dualen Studium 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Kraftfahrzeugmechatroniker_in 17:00 – 17:30 Uhr Duales Studium Fakultät Elektro- und Informationstechnik 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Duales Studium Fakultät Elektro- und Informationstechnik 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Mechatroniker_in 17:45 – 18:15 Uhr Duales Studium Fakultät Informatik 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Duales Studium Fakultät Informatik 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Fachinformatiker_in 18:30 – 19:00 Uhr Kaufmann/-frau für Digitalisierungsmanagement 19:15 – 19:45 Uhr
Audi Report 2021
Rather than proceeding cautiously in the face of the current challenges, we took the opportunity last year to optimally position ourselves for the next decade with the clear, bold strategy “Vorsprung 2030.” The focus of our strategy development more than ever was on the team. For the first time in our company’s history, our strategy was developed by more than 500 employees at all levels of the hierarchy – the Audi 500+ as they are known – together with the Board of Management and the strategy team. This is a genuine paradigm shift and a strong vote of confidence in our internal expertise and swarm intelligence. True to the motto: “From the company, for the company.” The core principle of “Vorsprung 2030” is very clear: Our future is electric. In 2021, we acted on this boldly. Compared with the previous year, we increased deliveries of our electric models by more than 50 percent and also more than doubled our all-electric product portfolio compared with 2020. If we want to improve on this success, we must systematically continue along the path we have chosen – technological innovation and internal transformation as well as the intelligent combination of economy and ecology. This also means thinking about business and sustainability in tandem. For analysts and investors, this has long been far more than just an ideal. Today, sustainability is one of the key indicators for modern investments, if not the most important one. That is why, since 2020, we have published a combined annual and sustainability report that unites a financial perspective and ESG – Environment, Social and Governance – issues under one roof. For 2021, we conducted a comprehensive stakeholder survey to analyze the interests of our primary target groups, and incorporated the results into the content and structure of this report.
Anniversary Dates 2022
The company attempted to attract customers for the NSU Ro 80 with the slogan “Vorsprung durch Technik", which was later also used to advertise Audi vehicles. The car was manufactured at the Neckarsulm plant from 1967 to 1977. The Ro 80 was the first German automobile to receive the accolade of “Car of the Year 1967”. years Audi Tradition 15 Anniversary Dates 2022 65 In 1955 NSU Werke AG was the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles, yet there were clear signs that the motorcycle market was facing a major crisis. Increasing wealth following the German economic miracle had raised the aspirations of buyers. Most people now wanted more than just a motorcycle for a set of wheels; car driving was the future. This was why at NSU in Neckarsulm the decision was made to start manufacturing cars again after a break of almost thirty years. The aim was of course to produce a small car, designed for average earners and created to enable motorcyclists to switch to driving a car. At the Frankfurt International Motor Show in September 1957, the public finally got a glimpse of the NSU Prinz, a smart little car for four people with an air-cooled two-cylinder engine in the rear which produced 20 hp with a capacity of 583 cc. Not least thanks to the outstanding publicity it received, the NSU Prinz was a resounding success. NSU resumed car manufacturing years Audi Tradition 16 Anniversary Dates 2022 The 1 February 1957 was a memorable day for the small team of specialist engineers at NSU. The team in Neckarsulm had been working for a number of years on developing a completely new engine concept: an engine that developed its power not via reciprocating pistons, but via a “triangular” rotating rotor. The idea stemmed from the self-taught engineer Felix Wankel, who with NSU had found a partner to implement his idea. That 1 February was the day on which the prototype of the “Wankel engine” completed its first test run on the engine test bench.