
Audi stands for sporty vehicles, premium workmanship, and progressive design – for “Vorsprung durch Technik”. Founded in 1909 by August Horch, the Audi Group – which also unites the Bentley, Lamborghini and Ducati brands under one roof – is currently one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and motorcycles in the premium segment.


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Q1/2023 Financial highlights Audi Group

Financial highlights Audi Group

Here you will find all the financial figures for the Audi Group. Besides regular interim reports on the current business situation, we also make our press releases relating to the Interim Financial Report available to you here. Furthermore, we inform you annually about the development of the Group during the previous year in March.

Nacht der Museen – 50 Jahre Audi 80

Audi Group

The Audi Group comprises Audi, Bentley, the three traditional Italian brands Lamborghini, Ducati, and Italdesign, and Audi Sport GmbH. Each brand stands for outstanding performance, pioneering technologies, fascinating design, and extraordinary emotion. Within the Audi Group, Audi, Bentley, Lamborghini, and Ducati pool their know-how in the Brand Group Progressive. This cooperation creates synergies, ensures knowledge transfer, and reinforces the financial basis on which the brands can fully exploit their individual strengths.

Production Sites Audi Group

