Audi at the Zwickau site
Start of production for Audi Q4 e-tron

Audi in Zwickau

Various VW models have been built at Volkswagen Sachsen in Zwickau since 1990. In recent years, the site was converted for the production of electric vehicles. One hundred percent green electricity, combined with the compensation of unavoidable emissions employing internationally recognized climate protection projects (for example, according to the Gold Standard), makes the multi-brand plant CO2-neutral in terms of its balance sheet. The Audi Q4 Sportback e-tron derivative has been produced here since summer 2021.

For the Four Rings, production in Zwickau is also a return to its roots, which lie in Saxony: to expand his business, company founder August Horch moved to Zwickau, where he had "A. Horch Motorenwagenwerke AG" entered into the commercial register in 1904. This laid the foundation stone for automobile manufacturing in Saxony.

Current model series at location: Audi Q4 e-tron

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