TechDay Charging Experience
In mobility, arriving worry-free is the central requirement, one that applies equally to battery electric vehicles. Range, charging performance, and in-car display are among the decisive factors in fulfilling this basic need.
The Audi TechDay Charging Experience will show how we give our customers an integrated experience through technical expertise, a sophisticated battery concept, and a reliable remaining range display. It begins in our battery testing center in Gaimersheim and our know-how in the design, development, and control of battery cells. To give customers a taste of premium charging, the Audi charging hub in Nuremberg will demonstrate that the future belongs to reservable high-power charging in urban spaces. For that reason, we are planning additional sites. Finally, customers will experience first-hand through the remaining range display in our e-tron models that reliability is our top priority and an intelligent algorithm makes all the difference.
You can find all information and press materials here.

An ideal basis for planning: Range display in Audi electric cars gives a reliable picture
Whether you’re driving around the corner, commuting to work, or going on vacation: When you’re on the road in an electric car, reliable range indications form the basis for planning all your mobility needs. Statutory test cycles as the basis for range indication can only serve as a general guide for planning since, in practice, range is impacted by numerous parameters. In addition to external factors such as congestion, route topography, or outside temperatures, driver-specific influences including individual driving style or the use of comfort features also play an important role. The remaining range display in the all-electric e-tron models from Audi passes this test in flying colors by factoring in all relevant parameters and providing a realistic picture. On top of that, the route planner ensures that any necessary charging stops on the trip are ideally planned into the route. Route planning can either be set up from inside the car or prior to departure using the convenient myAudi app.
Further information
- Intelligent assistant for electric driving: the Audi e-tron route planner

Audi battery testing center in Gaimersheim: Where range and fast charging come together
Electric models must be suitable for everyday use. Purchasing decisions are significantly affected above all by range, but also by the charging performance of the built-in high-voltage batteries. For this reason, Audi designs, develops, and checks battery cells and battery components on its own at its battery testing center in Gaimersheim.
Further information

Audi continues to roll out charging hub after success of initial pilot phase
Feedback following the pilot phase of the Audi charging hub in Nuremberg turned out to be overwhelmingly positive. The fact that repeat customers accounted for some 60 percent of charging sessions confirms the Four Ring’s globally unique, urban charging concept. The Audi charging hub mostly serves urban drivers who aren’t able to charge at home. Starting in the second half of the year, a second compact Audi charging hub pilot site will open in downtown Zurich, followed by sites in Salzburg and Berlin. Additional sites are slated to open in Germany in 2023 and mid-2024.