Audi A6 Avant

The new Audi A6 Avant is equipped with numerous modern driver assistance systems as standard. These systems increase convenience and safety on every journey by making the driver’s job easier and taking over important tasks.

The “driving and parking” assistance package is a standard feature. It includes adaptive cruise control, a speed limiter that responds to traffic signs, traffic sign recognition, a rear-view camera, and park assist plus. Other standard features include park assist plus with distance display, lane departure warning, cross-traffic assist, swerve assist, front turn assist, and the emergency brake assistant. Customers can also configure additional optional driver assistance packages.

Adaptive driving assistant plus is one of the highlights: in addition to various sensors that continuously monitor the vehicle’s surroundings, it also uses high-resolution map data and cloud-based swarm data from other vehicles. This enables the system to optimize traffic sign recognition and provide support with accelerating, maintaining speeds and distances, and with lane guidance.

Based on the collated data, the system calculates the route ahead and smoothly guides the vehicle through traffic in the center of its lane with supportive steering interventions. At the same time, it reacts to vehicles ahead and merging traffic with distance control and adjusts its speed in advance to adapt to speed limits and situations such as bends, intersections, and traffic circles. In stop-and-go traffic, the system can decelerate the car to a standstill and, depending on how long it is stationary, can automatically restart it. At stop signs, speed is reduced to allow the driver to comfortably take control of the situation. Thanks to the multitude of parameters it takes into account, adaptive driving assistant plus enhances ride quality – across the entire range of speeds and in congested traffic.

The equipment, data and prices specified in this document refer to the model range offered in Germany. Subject to change without notice; errors and omissions excepted.