2023: Combined Annual and Sustainability Report
GRI 2-1, GRI 2-6 13 countries 22 production sites Overview of deliveries to customers 2023³ 1,895,240 (1,614,231) 13,560 (15,174) 10,112 (9,233) 58,224 (61,562) Overview of deliveries to customers 2023³ https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/downloads/report/interim-reports/2023/audi-fact-pack-q4-2023.xlsx Strategy & Company Finance ESG Appendix 6 Audi Report 2023 Ill us tr at io n: C 3 V is ua l L ab Europe A B C D E F G H I J 1,107,364 Cars produced: 45,621 Motorcycles produced: 13,241 Crewe, United Kingdom Bentley Motors Ltd. Bentayga Continental GT, Continental GTC Flying Spur A 101,145 Zwickau, Germany Volkswagen AG Q4 e-tron Q4 Sportback e-tron D 64,890 Martorell, Spain, SEAT, S.A. A1 allstreet A1 Sportback RS 3 Sedan J 403,874 Ingolstadt, Germany AUDI AG A3 Sedan, S3 Sedan, RS 3 Sedan A3 Sportback, S3 Sportback, RS 3 Sportback A4 allroad quattro A4 Avant, S4 Avant, RS 4 Avant A4 Sedan, S4 Sedan A5 Coupé, S5 Coupé, RS 5 Coupé A5 Sportback, S5 Sportback, RS 5 Sportback Q2, SQ2 Q6 e-tron, SQ6 e-tron E 121,418 Bratislava, Slovakia VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA, a.s. Q7, SQ7 Q8, SQ8, RS Q8 F 176,493 Győr, Hungary, Audi Hungaria Zrt. Q3, RS Q3 Q3 Sportback, RS Q3 Sportback TT Coupé, TTS Coupé, TT RS Coupé TT Roadster, TTS Roadster, TT RS Roadster G 53,555 Brussels, Belgium AUDI BRUSSELS S.A./N.V. e-tron, e-tron S e-tron Sportback, e-tron S Sportback Q4 e-tron Q8 e-tron, SQ8 e-tron Q8 Sportback e-tron, SQ8 Sportback e-tron B 10,014 Sant’Agata Bolognese, Italy Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A. Aventador Coupé, Aventador Roadster Huracán Coupé, Huracán Spyder Revuelto Coupé Urus H 45,621 Bologna, Italy Ducati Motor Holding S.p.A.
Audi Report 2021
Information on electric power consumption and CO₂ emissions in ranges depends on the vehicle’s selected equipment. ⁸ Detailed figures for fuel/electric power consumption and emissions can be found on page 124. ⁹ The table includes deliveries of 620,700 (674,700) vehicles manufactured by the associated company FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd., Changchun (China), and available and sold exclusively in China. ¹⁰ This includes 4,743 (4,240) fully electric Audi Q2 L e-tron models manufactured by the associated company FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd., Changchun (China), and available and sold exclusively in China. ¹¹ Lamborghini Urus: combined fuel consumption in l/100 km: 12.6 (NEDC); combined CO 2 emissions in g/km: 292; information on fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions in ranges depends on the selected wheel/tire combination. 2021 2020 ∆ in % Audi A1 64,178 63,468 1.1 Audi Q2¹⁰ 114,827 124,392 –7.7 Audi A3 179,399 218,026 –17.7 Audi Q3 258,616 217,016 19.2 Audi TT 8,714 9,832 –11.4 Audi Q4 e-tron 21,098 205 X Audi A4 215,227 250,162 –14.0 Audi A5 71,340 65,860 8.3 Audi Q5 293,069 278,272 5.3 Audi A6 244,191 273,750 –10.8 Audi A7 19,169 17,546 9.2 Audi e-tron 49,157 47,324 3.9 Audi e-tron GT⁷ 6,896 242 X Audi Q7 67,452 64,038 5.3 Audi Q8 41,584 38,699 7.5 Audi A8 23,708 22,290 6.4 Audi R8 1,887 1,651 14.3 Audi brand 1,680,512 1,692,773 –0.7 Lamborghini Urus¹¹ 5,021 4,391 14.3 Lamborghini Huracán 2,586 2,193 17.9 Lamborghini Aventador 798 846 –5.7 Lamborghini brand 8,405 7,430 13.1 Other Volkswagen Group brands 61 55 10.9 Automotive segment 1,688,978 1,700,258 –0.7 Car deliveries to customers by model series⁸,⁹ Deliveries of the Audi brand, quarterly trend 2020 2021 gegenüber Vorjahr in t h o u sa n d u n it s year-on-year +31.1% +46.5% –23.8% –34.2% –0.7% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 3 5 3 4 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 33 5 4 5 1 9 4 8 0 5 0 6 Audi Report 2021 41 S trateg y P ro d u cts & S ervices O p eratio n s & In teg rity V alu e C reatio n & P ro d u ctio n E m p lo yees & S o ciety A p p
Audi Report 2020
Audi models produced at the site: > Q2, SQ2, A3 Sedan, A3 Sportback, S3 Sedan, S3 Sportback, RS 3 Sportback, RS 3 Sedan, A4 Avant, A4 Sedan, S4 Sedan, S4 Avant, RS 4 Avant, A5 Coupé, A5 Sportback, S5 Coupé, S5 Sportback, RS 5 Coupé, RS 5 Sportback 1 Neckarsulm, Germany AUDI AG, Audi Sport GmbH The Audi Neckarsulm site is the site with the most extensive range of products. In 2020, 157,230 (177,209) cars rolled off the production lines here. Audi Sport GmbH (formerly quattro GmbH) has had its headquarters here since 1983. Various measures in place at the site currently prevent around 70 percent of all CO₂ emissions otherwise produced here. The company produces the fully electric-powered Audi e-tron GT quattro, the R8 and Audi Sport models at Böllinger Höfe at the Neckarsulm site. Audi models produced at the site: > A4 Sedan, A5 Cabriolet, S5 Cabriolet, A6 Avant, A6 Sedan, S6 Avant, S6 Sedan, RS 6 Avant, A7 Sportback, S7 Sportback, RS7 Sportback, A8, A8 L, S8, S8 L, R8 Coupé, R8 Spyder, e-tron GT, RS e-tron GT 2 Sites in Europe 2 1 Audi Report 2020 33 About the Report 5 4 3 Martorell, Spain SEAT, S.A. SEAT S.A. has been producing for Audi in Martorell (Catalonia) since spring 2011. 62,108 (81,309) Audi models came off the production line there in 2020. Audi models produced at the site: > A1 citycarver, A1 Sportback, RS 3 Sedan 3 Győr, Hungary Audi Hungaria Zrt. Audi Hungaria is the world’s largest plant for the production of powertrains. The company has also been producing electric motors for the Audi e-tron since 2018. In Győr, 155,157 (164,817) vehicles came off the production line and 1,661,599 (1,968,742) engines and electric powertrains were manufactured in 2020.
TT Times 03/2015 - Audi Sport TT Cup Spielberg
Newspaper published for the race weekend of the Audi Sport TT Cup in Spielberg.
Drei Ski-Superstars auf der Asphalt-Piste Three ski superstars on the tarmac slopes _ Vier Rennfahrerinnen im Audi Sport TT Cup Four speed queens in the Audi Sport TT Cup _ Fünf Fakten zur anspruchsvollen Berg- und Talfahrt Five facts about the challenging roller-coaster track _ times Spielberg 2015 challengerswelcome 1. Nicolaj Møller Madsen (DK) 2. Gosia Rdest (PL) 3. Dominik Peitz (D) 4. Levin Amweg (CH) 5. Joonas Lappalainen (FIN) 6. Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky (S) 7. Anton Marklund (S) 8. Alexis van de Poele (B) 9. Kaan Önder (TR) 10. Loris Hezemans (NL) SKI-STARS IM TRIO F e li x N e u re u th e r M a rc e l H ir s c h e r A k s e l L u n d S v in d a l Speed-Queens TRIO OF SKI STARS Speed queens Der Audi TT ist für Audi eine Größe. Er hat eine eigene Designsprache. Und er ist immer sportlicher geworden. The Audi TT is an icon for Audi. It has a unique design philosophy and has become even more sports orientated. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hackenberg, Vorstand Technische Entwicklung AUDI AG Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hackenberg, Member of the Board of Management, Technical Development, AUDI AG Passend zum dritten Rennwochenende des Audi Sport TT Cup in Österreich wird es winterlich. Der Red Bull Ring in Spielberg bietet die Bühne für ein Duell dreier Ski- Superstars, die ihre Bretter gegen zwei Reifenpaare tauschen. Marcel Hirscher, derzeit der beste Ski-Rennläufer der Welt, erwartet in Spielberg ein Heimspiel. Sein Slalom-Rivale und Freund Felix Neureuther wird versuchen, ihm den Erfolg vor heimischem Publikum streitig zu machen. Der norwegische Abfahrts-Spezialist Aksel Lund Svindal macht den Dreikampf der Wintersport-Asse perfekt. _ The Audi Sport TT Cup adds a touch of winter during the third race weekend in Austria. The Red Bull Ring in Spielberg plays host to a challenge with Ski Superstars, who are all trading their skis for a set of wheels.
TT Times 04/2015 - Audi Sport TT Cup Oschersleben
Newspaper published for the race weekend of the Audi Sport TT Cup in Oschersleben.
Sechs Rennen, sechs Sieger Six races, six winners _ Rennlegenden am Start Racing legends join the grid _ Alle Zahlen und Fakten All facts and fi gures _ times challengerswelcome 1. Nicolaj Møller Madsen (DK) 2. Dominik Peitz (D) 3. Gosia Rdest (PL) 4. Levin Amweg (CH) 5. Joonas Lappalainen (FIN) 6. Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky (S) 7. Anton Marklund (S) 8. Kaan Önder (TR) 9. Loris Hezemans (NL) 10. Sebastian Landy (USA) Oschersleben 2015 Halbzeit Rennlegenden Half-time Racing legends Im Audi Sport TT Cup wollen wir Talente entdecken und ihnen die Chance geben, sich in GT-Rennen zu beweisen. In the Audi Sport TT Cup we want to discover young talents and give them the chance to prove themselves in GT racing. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hackenberg, Vorstand Technische Entwicklung AUDI AG Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hackenberg, Member of the Board of Management, Technical Development, AUDI AG Sechs Rennen, sechs Sieger. Zur Halbzeit des Audi Sport TT Cup hat bereits ein Drittel der 18 permanenten Starter ein Rennen gewonnen. Ein Beleg für ausgeglichenen und kompetitiven Motorsport. In der Gesamtwertung der permanenten Starter liegt zur Halbzeit Nicolaj Møller Madsen an der Spitze. Der Däne fuhr in fünf der sechs Rennen auf das Podium und führt vor Jan Kisiel und Dennis Marschall. _ Six races, six winners. Halfway through the Audi Sport TT Cup, a third of the 18 permanent entrants have already won a race. This proves that the Audi one-make cup stands for balanced and competitive motorsport. In the overall classification of the permanent entrants, Nicolaj Møller Madsen is in the top spot halfway through the season, after having finished on podium in five of the six races. He is trailed by Jan Kisiel and Dennis Marschall. _ Eine geballte Ladung Erfahrung geht in Oschersleben in der Gaststarterwertung ins Rennen. Mit Frank Biela sitzt ein fünfmaliger Le-Mans-Sieger hinter dem Steuer.
TT Times 05/2015 - Audi Sport TT Cup Nürburgring
Newspaper published for the race weekend of the Audi Sport TT Cup at the Nürburgring.
challengerswelcome 1. Nicolaj Møller Madsen (DK) 2. Gosia Rdest (PL) 3. Dominik Peitz (D) 4. Levin Amweg (CH) 5. Joonas Lappalainen (FIN) 6. Mikaela Åhlin-Kottulinsky (S) 7. Anton Marklund (S) 8. Jan Kisiel (PL) 9. Kaan Önder (TR) 10. Loris Hezemans (NL) Indischer Touch im Audi Sport TT Cup Indian flavor joins the grid of the Audi Sport TT Cup _ Alle Zahlen und Fakten zum Audi- Markenpokal All facts and fi gures of the Audi one-make cup _ Indischer Touch im Audi Sport TT Cup Indian flavor joins the grid of the Audi Sport TT Cup _ Alle Zahlen und Fakten zum Audi- Markenpokal All facts and fi gures of the Audi one-make cup _ times Nürburgring 2015 FC Bayern München geht auf Rundenjagd FC Bayern Munich enjoys fast laps _ MarioMarkus RobertDavid Tom Thomas Indischer Touch Rasanter FC Bayern Indian flavor Rapid FC Bayern Der Audi TT ist eine Ikone. Für mich war klar, dass die neue Generation auch auf die Rennstrecke gehört. The Audi TT is an icon. For me, it was clear that the new generation belongs on the race track as well. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hackenberg, Vorstand Technische Entwicklung AUDI AG Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hackenberg, Member of the Board of Management, Technical Development, AUDI AG Am Nürburgring bekommt der Audi Sport TT Cup einen indischen Touch. Der Profirennfahrer Aditya Patel geht als Gastfahrer an den Start. Patel hat bereits einige Erfahrung mit Audi- Rennwagen. Er fuhr im Audi R8 LMS ultra vom Team Novadriver und kämpft aktuell um den Titel im Audi R8 LMS Cup in Asien. Die Gaststarter- Liste komplettieren die beiden GRIP-Moderatoren Matthias Malmedie und Niki Schelle, ihre ehemalige Kollegin Doreen Seidel sowie der Journalist Guido Naumann. _ At the Nürburgring some Indian flavor is added to the Audi Sport TT Cup with guest driver Aditya Patel. The pro has a lot of experience with Audi race cars.
TT Times 06/2015 - Audi Sport TT Cup Finale Hockenheim 2015
All of the information for the race weekend of the Audi Sport TT Cup at the Hockenheimring.
times Finale Hockenheim 2015 Le-Mans-Stars im Audi Sport TT Cup Le Mans stars in the Audi Sport TT Cup _ Der Dreikampf um die Meisterschaft The three-way battle for the championship _ Der Audi-Markenpokal in Zahlen und Fakten Facts and figures about the Audi one-make cup _ R e n é R a s t Jo n O ls s o n M a rc o B o n a n o m i Le Mans gegen Ski Das Juwel Le Mans vs. ski The gem Die Premierensaison war ein voller Erfolg. Ich gratuliere den Fahrern und dem gesamten Team zu dieser herausragenden Leistung. The inaugural season has been a resounding success. I congratulate the drivers and the entire team for this outstanding achievement. Heinz Hollerweger, Geschäftsführer quattro GmbH Managing Director quattro GmbH Während noch offen ist, wer sich den Titel im Audi Sport TT Cup sichern wird, ist die begehrenswerte Trophäe bereits fertig. Die Geschichte dahinter ist beeindruckend: In 250 Arbeitsstunden haben Auszubildende von Audi in Neckarsulm den 72 Zentimeter hohen und 15 Kilogramm schweren Pokal gebaut. Mithilfe eines detaillierten 3D-Entwurfs wurde die Trophäe per CNC-Drehmaschine aus einem Aluminiumblock gefräst. _ The champion of the Audi Sport TT Cup may not yet be known, but the prize is, and it looks the part. Equally impressive is the story behind the trophy: A team of apprentices of Audi in Neckarsulm was tasked with creating the trophy. A detailed CAD model was brought to life starting with a solid aluminum billet, which was then machined on a CNC lathe, laser engraved and assembled with its final details, a combined total of 250 man-hours. It has a final weight of 15 kg and is 72 cm tall. _ Beim spannenden Finale der ersten Saison im Audi Sport TT Cup gehen gleich mehrere hochkarätige Gastfahrer an den Start, allen voran zwei verdiente Audi-Werksfahrer: René Rast und Marco Bonanomi.
Spotter Guide Audi Sport TT Cup 02/2016 – Nürburgring
AK TUELLE INFORMATIONEN www.audi-mediacenter.com SPOT TER GUIDEAUDI SPORT T T CUP 2016 24 STUNDEN NÜRBURGR ING, 26.–29. MAI www.audimedia.tv PUNK TESTAND 2016 LIVESTREAM Freitag, 27. Mai 11.55 Uhr Rennen 1 Samstag, 28. Mai 09.55 Uhr Rennen 2 ZEITPL AN 1. Sheldon van der Linde (ZA) 50 2. Dennis Marschall (D) 35 3. Joonas Lappalainen (FIN) 34 4. Christoph Hofbauer (D) 34 5. Nicklas Nielsen (DK) 32 6. Josh Caygill (GB) 27 7. Max Hofer (A) 23 8. Gosia Rdest (PL) 22 9. Emil Lindholm (FIN) 21 10. Paul Holton (USA) 18 11. Philip Ellis (GB) 18 12. Simon Larsson (S) 13 13. Kevin Strohschänk (D) 9 14. Patrick Egsgaard (DK) 7 15. Pavel Lefterov (BG) 5 16. Yves Meyer (CH) 4 11 33 98 12 42 99 14 76 23 91 27 96 31 97 Max Hofer (A) Emil Lindholm (FIN) Richard Meaden (GB) Simon Larsson (S) Patrick Egsgaard (DK) Sönke Brederlow (D) Josh Caygill (GB) Paul Holton (USA) Philip Ellis (GB) Yves Meyer (CH) Dennis Marschall (D) Miriam Höller (D) Sheldon van der Linde (ZA) Heinz Müller (D) 2 3 4 5 6 7KevinStrohschänk (D) GosiaRdest (PL) JoonasLappalainen (FIN) NicklasNielsen (DK) PavelLefterov (BG) ChristophHofbauer (D)