Environmental declaration 2024 (in national language)
Das Modell zeichnet sich nicht nur durch beeindruckende Fahr- und Ladeleistungen aus, sondern auch durch gesteigerte Effizienz und große Reichweite: der Audi Q6 e-tron quattro1 mit 285 kW Die strategische Messgröße dabei ist der im Volkswagenkonzern entwickelte Dekarbonisierungsindex (DKI)⁴, der auf den Ökobilanzen⁵ beruht, die für alle Fahrzeuge der AUDI AG erstellt werden. Am Lebensende der E-Fahrzeuge verfolgt Audi verschiedene Ansätze im Umgang mit den einzelnen Bestandteilen der Elektroauto-Batterie: Die Weiterverwendung in einem anderen Anwendungsfall, für den die verbleibende Leistung noch ausreichend ist („Reuse“); das Ertüchtigen der Batterie für einen und der Audi SQ6 e-tron2 mit 380 kW. Neben der sou- veränen Leistung überzeugt die Reichweite: Mit bis zu 641 Kilometern nach WLTP gehört der Audi Q6 e-tron³ zu den reichweitenstärksten Modellen in seinem Segment. Dank der 800-Volt-Technik und einer serienmäßigen maximalen DC-Ladeleistung von bis zu 270 kW (kombinierter Wert) sind mit den Fahrzeugen der Q6 e-tron Baureihe kurze Ladestopps möglich. So lassen sich an einer entsprechenden Ladesäule (High Power Charging, HPC) in nur zehn Minuten bis zu 255 Kilometer Reichweite nachladen. In rund 21 Minuten steigt der State of Charge (SoC) von 10 auf 80 Prozent*. Die Dekarbonisierungsstrategie der AUDI AG bezieht neben der Elektrifizierung der Modellpalette die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette mit ein: Von der Gewinnung der Rohstoffe, der Fahrzeugproduktion, der Kraftstoff- bzw. Strombereitstellung, der Fahremissionen bis zum Recycling. Ziel ist die Reduzierung des CO₂-Fußabdrucks (im Lebenszyklus) je Fahrzeugmodell auf Flottenbasis um 40 % bis 2030 (gegenüber dem Basisjahr 2018). erneuten Einsatz im Fahrzeug („Remanufacturing“) sowie der sogenannte „Second Life“-Ansatz, bei dem die Akkus noch jahrelang außerhalb eines E-Fahrzeuges genutzt werden, z.
2023: Combined Annual and Sustainability Report
This is calculated by dividing the overall energy consumption of car and component plants by the number of cars built at the sites. ⁸ Fleet of new cars sold in EU, USA and China (excl. vehicles produced in China on a CKD (completely knockeddown) basis. ⁹ The Audi e-tron is no longer offered for sale as a new passenger car on the German market. 10 The Audi Charging Service is available from Volkswagen Group Charging GmbH (Elli), Mollstrasse 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany. Further information on the number of charging points as well as current price plans and contract information can be found at audi.co.uk. AUDI AG assumes no warranty for the operation, availability, charging capacity and/or other features of the charging infrastructure in question. Access to the Audi Charging Service Portal is only possible with a myAudi account. Depending on your mobile data plan, additional fees may be charged by the respective mobile phone provider. Ill us tr at io n: C 3 V is ua l L ab https://www.audi.co.uk/uk/web/en/electric/charging/audi-charging-service.html 70 Audi Report 2023 FinanceStrategy & Company ESG Appendix Electric cars can be operated without causing any local CO₂ emissions and therefore contribute significantly to reducing CO₂ emissions. And if they are also charged with green electricity, this improves the carbon footprint over the entire life cycle of the vehicle. Audi is successively expanding its electric portfolio: by 2027, the company wants to include one all-electric vehicle in the portfolio in all core segments. Increased efficiency of fully electric vehicles goes hand in hand with updating the product portfolio. For example, vehicles based on the new Premium Platform Electric are up to 30 percent more efficient in terms of energy consumption than the Audi e-tron⁹ (first generation). This is due to the use of cutting-edge technologies and systematic optimization of the entire system, consisting of electric motor, transmission and power electronics.
Audi Tradition - Anniversary Dates 2024
Anniversary Dates 2024 Audi Tradition Audi Tradition 2 Anniversary Dates 2024 Contents Anniversaries in Our Corporate History March 1999 25 Years Audi S3 ....................................................5 October 1994 30 Years Audi A4 ...................................................6 June 1994 30 Years Audi A6 ....................................................7 March 1994 30 Years Audi A8. ...................................................8 1994 30 Years Since Market Launch of Avant RS2 .............9 Autumn 1989 35 Years Audi duo ................................................10 Autumn 1989 35 Years of Audi Turbo-Diesel With Direct Fuel Injection (TDI) .....................................11 April 1984 40 Years Audi Sport quattro ..................................12 October 1974 50 Years Audi 50 ..................................................13 September 1969 55 Years Audi 100 Coupé S ....................................14 March 1969 55 Years Audi NSU Auto Union AG .........................15 March 1969 55 Years NSU K 70 ................................................16 December 1964 60 Years Since Takeover of Auto Union GmbH by Volkswagenwerk AG .........................................18 March 1964 60 Years DKW F 102 ............................................19 January 1964 60 Years DKW F 12 Roadster ................................20 Audi Tradition 3 Anniversary Dates 2024 August 1959 65 Years Since Start of Production of DKW Junior ...21 August 1959 65 Years Since Commissioning of New Factory .......23 September 1949 75 Years Since Founding of Auto Union GmbH, Ingolstadt ...........................................................24 September 1949 75 Years DKW Schnelllaster and RT 125 W .............25 1899 125 Years Since August Horch Founded His First Company ................................................27 Audi Tradition 4 Anniversary Dates 2024 Contents Motorsport June 1999 25 Years Le Mans ..................................................28
Audi Report 2022
In addition, we are steadily expanding our brand-specific premium charging service, the Audi charging hub with charging points that can be reserved. In the long term, we want to create an ecosystem that goes far beyond electric charging. It will be holistic and encompass offerings and services such as navigation, parking, payment, predictive maintenance and mobility services through automated driving. ... the strength of the Audi brand Over the past decades, Audi has managed to build up a unique premium image. Iconic models such as the Audi TT, the Audi R8 or most recently the Audi etron GT² have been instrumental in this, as have technologies such as quattro drive. Now we need to create the iconic cars of the future. Especially in times of transformation and change, it is extremely impor tant to have a strong brand as the backbone of the business model. And Audi getting involved in Formula 1 will also make a contribution to this. Hardly any other sport reaches so many people around the world. This move will boost both brand awareness and the Audi brand image internationally and thus contribute to the company’s future success. As of late, we have invested heavily in our brand, revised the brand strat egy and redefined “Vorsprung.” We have consistently communicated our futureoriented stance with our global communication platform “Future is an attitude” and created a new experience format for our custom ers with the “House of Progress.” All of this is paying off.
Audi Report 2021
For me, Holoride is one such thing – and this technology will be available to our customers in selected Audi models before the end of this year. Audi is thus the first manufacturer ever to offer this completely new entertainment experience. Passengers will be able to immerse themselves in games, films and interactive content with the aid of a virtual reality headset. The highlight: The virtual content adapts to the movements of the vehicle in real time. Every turn and every acceleration or braking action has an impact on the perception. The car thus becomes an experience platform. What I find particularly exciting is that a new marketplace for digital content is taking shape here. The content is not only captivating, but also closely interwoven with the car. Holoride is an example of how we at Audi use our connected vehicles and vehicle data to lay the foundations for digital business models in collaboration with our partners – thus creating completely new customer experiences.” “ The car is becoming an entertainment platform” Jakob Wulf, Audi Product Marketing Holoride “Can refueling be more than a tiresome necessity? Yes! Since December 2021, the first Audi Charging Hub has been demonstrating our vision of an electric charging station of the future for premium customers to cover peak charging needs or to replace the home charging terminal in urban areas. In addition, the pilot project is symbolic of the smart expansion of the charging infrastructure. We’re driving this forward in the Volkswagen Group through a variety of projects. In Europe, for example, the IONITY initiative is expected to create more than 5,000 new fast-charging points by 2025. And in the USA, too, we’re massively expanding the network with Electrify America.⁴ We’re convinced that efficient charging networks are the backbone of electrified mobility.
Quarterly Update Audi Group
3rd Quarter Finance and Key Figures
9M 2021 Quarterly Update Audi Group Audi skysphere concept: The vehicle shown here is a concept car that is not available as a production model. 2 Extended CONFIDENTIAL AUDI AG 9M/2021 Quarterly Update Audi Group October 29, 2021 1 Highlights Jan - Sept 2 Finance & key figures Deliveries to customers Income statement Cash flow statement Investments: R&D and capex Workforce 3ESG 4Audi facts Financial highlights and KPI overview Selected model presentations Milestones 9M/2021 Production Balance sheet Guidance Lamborghini Ducati Product portfolio Further publications Audi Report 2020 Insight into strategy, sustainability topics and financial development in FY2020 Audi Fact Pack 9M 2021 9M and quarterly figures, glossary AUDI AG FY2020 Investor Relations Conference Call & Webcast March 19, 2021 CONTENTSCONTENTSCONTENTS Production sites Financial calendar Value drivers Net cash flow Operating profit Environment Social Governance Economic environment Roadmap E https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/de/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/interim-reports/audi-fact-pack-Q3-2021.xlsx https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/en/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/annual-reports/audi-report-2020_mobile.pdf https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/en/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/annual-reports/audi-report-2020_mobile.pdf https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/de/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/interim-reports/audi-fact-pack-Q3-2021.xlsx 3 Extended CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS & KPI OVERVIEW JAN - SEPT 2021 2021 2021 AUDI AG 9M/2021 Quarterly Update Audi Group October 29, 2021 ↗ Solid growth of 14% in deliveries to customers compared with prioryear period.
Audi Report 2020
At the same time, the new Audi Board of Management team led by CEO Markus Duesmann focused intensively on the strategic orientation of the Four Rings and the product portfolio. This is because Audi wants to play a leading role in the transformation of the automotive industry, offer customers highly attractive vehicles and, in the process, protect the environment and conserve resources to the greatest possible extent. An overview of key milestones in 2020: 2020 was an extraordinary year Audi Report 2020 12 Milestones Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Mobility goes smart and individual: Audi at the 2020 CES Audi demonstrates the path to a digital future at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020. The exhibits range from production-ready technologies to futuristic visionary vehicles. With the Audi Intelligence Experience project, Audi is providing an outlook on how its customers will be able to experience and interact with the automobile in the future. One of the technology project’s applications, self-learning navigation, is already being integrated into the MMI systems of current Audi models. P h o to : A U D I A G Audi provides a glimpse into future mobility at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2020. Audi Report 2020 13 Milestones Audi e-tron Charging Service: more convenient charging for Audi customers Audi is making charging even more convenient and increasing price transparency. The Audi e-tron Charging Service has been operating for a year. In February, it already provides access to a public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles in 24 European countries.1 Customers can currently use more than 135,000 charging points1 from over 400 different international providers with just one card. In the future, they will be able to charge vehicles at the high-power charging terminals of the IONITY network at new rates using the City or Transit tariff.
Together with CFO Alexander Seitz, he has initiated the process for securing premium returns in the electric age as well. consistently electric How Audi is making e-mobility profitable O Audi e-tron Sportback 55 quattro: combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 22.7–20.6 (NEFZ); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions in ranges depending on the chosen equipment of the car 27 FOCUS ON BATTERY COSTS At an average of 40 percent, the battery accounts for a large share of the costs of an electric car. How does Audi intend to reduce these costs? SEI T Z: Battery costs are largely dependent on the price of raw materials. These days, raw materials make up more than a third of the cost of battery cells. Through the Volkswagen Group, Audi is able to enjoy long-term price stability and economies of scale when procuring materials in this volatile market. Naturally it would be even better if we could do without expensive raw materials. That’s why we will be halving the amount of cobalt in our vehicles’ batteries over the next two years, among other things. What other technical possibilities are there? AMBROSY: We’re constantly optimizing the overall technical system. Here we consider the battery in conjunction with other criteria which sometimes have an effect on each other, such as energy density, the vehicle’s traction consumption and charging performance. As early as during the next three years, we want to reduce the costs of the battery system by more than 15 percent and, at the same time, increase the range by over 30 percent. Widespread fast charging will take us another important step forward. If customers can charge their electric car in just a few minutes, then we can start installing smaller and therefore less expensive batteries. What does “consistently electric” mean for you? AMBROSY: Audi is concentrating its resources on e-mobility.