2023: Combined Annual and Sustainability Report
DesertX, Diavel, Hypermotard, Monster, Multistrada, Panigale (Superbike), Scrambler, Streetfighter, SuperSport I 162,734 Neckarsulm, Germany AUDI AG, Audi Sport GmbH A4 Sedan A5 Cabriolet, S5 Cabriolet A6 allroad quattro A6 Avant, S6 Avant, RS 6 Avant A6 Sedan, S6 Sedan A7 Sportback, S7 Sportback, RS 7 Sportback A8, S8, A8 L e-tron GT quattro, RS e-tron GT R8 Coupé R8 Spyder C Key Vehicles produced in 2023 150,001 to 480,000 50,001 to 150,000 10,001 to 50,000 0 to 10,000 Strategy & Company Finance ESG Appendix 7 Audi Report 2023 Ill us tr at io n: C 3 V is ua l L ab A B C D E F G H Asia 676,243 Cars produced: 7,646 Motorcycles produced: 471,705 Changchun, China FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. A4 L Sedan A6 L Sedan e-tron Q5 L Q5 L Sportback A 63,713 Tianjin, China FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. Q3 Q3 Sportback B 63,915 Qingdao, China FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. A3 L Sedan A3 Sportback C 40,630 Foshan, China FAW-Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. Q2 L Q2 e-tron L Q4 e-tron F 24,788 Anting, China SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. A7 L Sedan Q5 Roadjet e-tron D 5,151 Ningbo, China SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. Q6 Roadjet E 6,341 Aurangabad, India ŠKODA AUTO Volkswagen India Private Limited A4 Sedan A6 Sedan Q3 Q3 Sportback Q5 Q7 H 7,646 Amphur Pluakdaeng, Thailand Ducati Motor (Thailand) Co., Ltd. DesertX, Diavel, Hypermotard, Monster, Multistrada, Panigale (Superbike), Scrambler, Streetfighter, SuperSport G Key Vehicles produced in 2023 150,001 to 480,000 50,001 to 150,000 10,001 to 50,000 0 to 10,000 Strategy & Company Finance ESG Appendix 8 Audi Report 2023 A B C D Ill us tr at io n: C 3 V is ua l L ab 5 Production of semi-knocked-down (SKD) vehicles. With this procedure, the cars are completely assembled to start with. Then they are partially dismantled and transported as kits to São José dos Pinhais.
Audi Report 2022
Against the background of the Russian attack on Ukraine, at the beginning of March the Volkswagen Group Board of Management decided to stop the production of vehicles in Russia until further notice. 13 countries 22 GRI 2-1 https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/en/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/interim-reports/audi-fact-pack-q4-2022.xlsx 3 4 2 1 5 7 8 9 10 11 6 5 Audi Report 2022 Products & Services Value Creation & Production Operations & Integrity Strategy Employees & Society Introduction Appendix Ill us tr at io n: C 3 V is ua l L ab Martorell, Spain (SEAT) Bologna, Italy (Ducati) Sant’Agata Bolognese, Italy (Lamborghini) Győr, Hungary (Audi) Bratislava, Slovakia (Volkswagen) Ingolstadt, Germany (Audi) Zwickau, Germany (Volkswagen) Neckarsulm, Germany (Audi) Brussels, Belgium (Audi) Crewe, United Kingdom (Bentley) Europe 929,090 cars produced 57,380 motorcycles produced MEDITERRANEAN SEA Kaluga, Russia (Volkswagen) Ingolstadt, Germany AUDI AG 332,981 vehicles A3 Sedan, S3 Sedan, RS 3 Sedan A3 Sportback, S3 Sportback, RS 3 Sportback A4 allroad quattro A4 Sedan, S4 Sedan A4 Avant, S4 Avant, RS 4 Avant A5 Coupé, S5 Coupé, RS 5 Coupé A5 Sportback, S5 Sportback, RS 5 Sportback Q2, SQ2 5 Zwickau, Germany Volkswagen AG 51,685 vehicles Q4 e-tron Q4 Sportback e-tron 4 Bratislava, Slovakia VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA, a.s. 89,208 vehicles Q7, SQ7 Q8, SQ8, RS Q8 7 Kaluga, Russia Volkswagen Group RUS 633 vehicles⁷ Q7,⁶ Q8,⁶ SQ7,⁶ SQ8⁶ 6 Neckarsulm, Germany AUDI AG, Audi Sport GmbH 149,127 vehicles A4 Sedan A5 Cabriolet, S5 Cabriolet A6 allroad quattro A6 Sedan, S6 Sedan, A6 Avant, S6 Avant, RS 6 Avant A7 Sportback, S7 Sportback, RS 7 Sportback A8, S8, A8 L, S8 L e-tron GT quattro, RS e-tron GT R8 Coupé, R8 Spyder 3 Brussels, Belgium AUDI BRUSSELS S.A.
Audi Report 2021
Information on fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions in ranges depends on the selected wheel/tire combination. ⁵ The two models Audi Q5 e-tron and Audi A7 L are manufactured by the associated company SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd., Shanghai (China), and available and sold exclusively in China. ⁶ The model Audi Q2 L e-tron is manufactured by the associated company FAW- Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd., Changchun (China), and available and sold exclusively in China. ⁷ Audi e-tron GT quattro: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 19.6– 18.8 (NEDC), 21.8–19.9 (WLTP); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0. Information on electric power consumption and CO₂ emissions in ranges depends on the vehicle’s selected equipment. Audi RS e-tron GT: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 20.2–19.3 (NEDC), 22.6–20.6 (WLTP); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0. Information on electric power consumption and CO₂ emissions in ranges depends on the vehicle’s selected equipment. 2021 2020 ∆ in % Audi Q2 L e-tron⁶ 3,092 3,768 –17.9 Audi Q4 e-tron 27,696 261 X Audi Q5 e-tron⁵ 17 – X Audi e-tron 44,972 42,901 4.8 Audi e-tron GT⁷ 9,602 244 X Total fully electric model series (BEV) 85,379 47,174 81.0 Plug-in hybrid models (PHEV) 83,670 64,845 29.0 Total electrified model series (BEV + PHEV) 169,049 112,019 50.9 Production of electrified model series, Audi brand The plant in San José Chiapa in Mexico built 137,634 (124,298) vehicles, an increase of 10.7 percent. 34,860 units of the new Audi Q5 Sportback⁴ were produced here in the year under review. In China, FAW-Volkswagen built 605,933 (671,970) vehicles in 2021. Following the production start of the Audi Q5 e-tron and Audi A7 L⁵ models in Anting (China), the associated company SAIC Volkswagen produced 1,075 Audi vehicles locally for the first time.
Quarterly Update Audi Group
With the start of production of the Audi A7 L (only available in China) in Anting, the first Audi vehicles were built by the second associated Chinese company SAIC Volkswagen Automotive Co., Ltd. The production of the new Audi Q4 e-tron family started at the Volkswagen multi-brand plant in Zwickau in spring 2021, with 14,366 cars manufactured by the end of September. Production heavily affected by semiconductor supply shortages in Q3/21 1,126,555 1–9/20211–9/2020 1,177,149 +4.5% 1–9/2021 1–9/2020 Δ % Ingolstadt (GER) 216,748 224,088 -3.3 Neckarsulm (GER) 109,454 106,201 3.1 Zwickau (GER) 14,366 173 X Győr (HUN) 128,036 111,141 15.2 San José Chiapa (MEX) 112,904 81,537 38.5 Brussels (BEL) 30,636 25,782 18.8 China (all sites) 447,271 464,991 -3.8 Other sites 117,734 112,642 4.5 Total 1,177,149 1,126,555 4.5 38% 1% 26% 35% A0/A segment* B segment C segment D segment 1–9/2021 1–9/2020 Δ % BEV production 54,556 27,926 95.4 PHEV production 68,626 38,370 78.9 Total NEV 123,182 66,296 85.8 5.91-9/2020 10.51-9/2021 * Detailed information on car segments can be found in the Audi Fact Pack NEV share in % of total production 449 Q3Q1 Q2 368 304 460 454 268 Audi brand, quarterly development in k units 2020, 2021 Production + 22% ↗ + 51% ↗ -41% ↘ https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/de/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/interim-reports/audi-fact-pack-Q3-2021.xlsx https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/de/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/interim-reports/audi-fact-pack-Q2-2021.xlsx 10 Extended CONFIDENTIAL Deliveries to customers Audi brand, by region in units AUDI AG 9M/2021 Quarterly Update Audi Group October 29, 2021 2. Finance and key figures – Deliveries to customers, Audi brand Deliveries to customers Audi brand, in units/by segment in % of total The Audi brand delivered 1,347,637 (1,187,190) cars to customers worldwide in the first nine months of 2021, an increase of 13.5% overall.
Quarterly Update Audi Group
Especially the models in the C/D segment* with the Q7, Q8, A6, A7, A8 and Audi e-tron model lines were in high demand by customers. The share of vehicles delivered in the C/D segment increased by 3.3 ppt compared with the prioryear period. 1–3/2021 1–3/2020 Δ % Europe 155,325 165,389 –6.1 of which Germany 47,523 62,959 –24.5 China incl. Hong Kong 207,386 113,330 83.0 USA 54,840 41,367 32.6 Other markets 45,277 32,907 37.6 Total 462,828 352,993 31.1 1–3/2021 1–3/2020 Δ % BEV deliveries 14,583 11,458 27,3 BEV share 3.2 3.2 –0.1 ppt SUV deliveries 214,640 158,647 +35.3 SUV share 46.4 44.9 +1.5 ppt CKD China 185,196 109,445 69.2 CKD China share 40.0 31.0 +9.0 ppt in units/in % of total 1–3/2020 1–3/2021 A0/A segment* B segment C segment D segment Q1/20 Q2/20 Q3/20 Q4/20 Q1/21 USA Europe Chinaby region in k units Significant growth in deliveries – China & USA with strong C/D segment World * Detailed information on car segments can be found in the Audi Fact Pack https://www.audi.com/content/dam/gbp2/de/company/investor-relations/reports-and-key-figures/interim-reports/audi-fact-pack-q1-2021.xlsx INTERNAL Operating profit increased due to market recovery & positive valuation effects 1-3/2021 1-3/2020 Δ % Revenue 14,067 12,454 12.9 Cost of goods sold –12,011 –11,130 7.9 Gross profit 2,055 1,324 55.3 Distribution expenses –794 –665 19.3 Administrative expenses –147 –158 –6.8 Other operating result 289 –486 X Operating profit 1,404 15 X Return on sales (ROS) 10.0 0.1 +9.9 ppt of which Automotive segment 1,383 16 X ROS Automotive segment 10.0 0.1 +9.9 ppt of which Motorcycles segment 21 –1 X ROS Motorcycles segment 10.5 –0.8 +11.3 ppt Financial result 285 530 –46.2 of which China business 254 95 X Profit before tax 1,689 545 X Income tax expense –218 –114 X Profit after tax 1,472 431 X ↗ The Audi Group generated revenue of €14,067m (€12,454m) in the first three months of 2021.
Audi Report 2020
This digital service is currently available for the all-electric e-tron family and for the current A4, A5, A6, A7, Q5, Q7 and Q8 models. The functions vary depending on vehicle model and market: In the case of the Audi e-tron9 and e-tron Sportback,2 for example, customers can upgrade the LED headlights to matrix LED headlights with automatic high beam in the matrix LED package. Booking takes place online via myAudi. With functions on demand, Audi is taking another consistent step toward a seamless digital customer journey. Together with her team, Christiane Zorn, Head of Product Marketing, makes functions on demand available in numerous other markets besides Germany and Norway. P h o to : A U D I A G 2 Audi e-tron Sportback: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 23.8–20.9 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 9 Audi e-tron: combined electric power consumption in kWh/100 km: 28.8–21.4 (NEDC); combined CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0 Audi Report 2020 27 Milestones MQ! Innovation Summit Audi hosts the first digital MQ! Innovation Summit. At the conference, international thought leaders discuss the mobility of the future. The focal points: sustainability, electric mobility, smart cities and the ethics of technology. This format provides Audi with impetus for future mobility and prepares it for challenges posed by the transformation. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec P h o to : A U D I A G First digital MQ! Innovation Summit 2020: digital exchange with experts on the mobility of the future. Audi Report 2020 28 Milestones Motorsport is and will remain an established part of the Audi strategy Audi resolves to enter the Dakar Rally for the first time ever in 2022 with a prototype. The vehicle’s drive concept combines an electric drivetrain with a high-voltage battery, which can be charged as needed via an energy converter in the form of a highly efficient TFSI engine.
Financial Report 2019
The product portfolio of the Audi brand extends from the Audi A1 car line, through the A3, A4 and A5 product families, right up to the full-size car lines A6, A7 and A8. In addition, the TT car line emphasizes our brand’s sporty character. We also enjoy a broad presence in the SUV segment with the Audi models Q2, Q3, Q5, Q7 and Q8. We presented the Audi e-tron, the first fully electric SUV from the Audi brand, back in the 2018 fiscal year and introduced it on the market in the first quarter of 2019. Since November 2019, it has also been possible to configure the first fully electric Audi Sportback – the Audi e-tron Sportback. A further Audi series-production model with fully electric powertrain for the Chinese market, the Q2 L e-tron, appeared in the 2019 fiscal year. Our performance and highperformance models include the S and RS models as well as the R8 car line, which is also the mainstay of our customer BASIS OF THE AUDI GROUP The Audi Group, comprising the Audi, Lamborghini and Ducati brands, is among the best-known manufacturers of premium automobiles, supercars, Super SUVs and sporty motorcycles. Through our strategy we want to “unleash the beauty of sustainable mobility” in the premium segment – fascinating, flexible and free of emissions. STRUCTURE // BASIS OF THE AUDI GROUP 0 0 9 racing activities. A wide range of customization options available through the programs “Audi exclusive” and “Audi Sport performance parts” alongside lifestyle articles in the “Audi collection” complete our portfolio. The high-performance models of the Lamborghini brand are renowned, in our opinion, for their excellent driving dynamics, striking design, consistent use of lightweight construction and high quality of materials and finish. The product portfolio of the Lamborghini brand comprises models of the Huracán and Aventador car lines, as well as exclusive special models.
M a r c h 2 0 1 9 New electric models At the Geneva International Motor Show, plug-in hybrid versions of the A6, A7, A8 and Q5 models make their debut. Audi also presents the Audi Q4 e-tron concept, a concept car of the first Audi model based on the modular electric drive matrix. Read more about profitable electric mobility starting on page 24. “We’re making electric mobility emotional. Through our platform strategy, we’re also making optimal use of synergies within the Volkswagen Group and reducing development costs.” Hans-Joachim Rothenpieler, Board Member for Technical Development M a y 2 0 1 9 New strategy At the Annual General Meeting, Audi CEO Bram Schot presents the new “consistently Audi” strategy. The Audi brand is therefore establishing impor tant waypoints for the transformation of the company. Read more about the new Audi strategy starting on page 8. “We want to unleash the beauty of sustainable mobility to take the lead in transforming the premium segment. This entails a new culture, efficient work practices and a focus on essentials.” Bram Schot, Chairman of the Board of Management In 2019, the Audi brand established some important waypoints for the future. The company set itself clear goals with a new strategy and is focusing on the four topics of customer, electric mobility, connectivity and sustainability. A look back at the key milestones in 2019: Milestones for the future P H O T O S : A U D I A G 3 https://www.audi.com/en/experience-audi/mobility-and-trends/e-mobility/geneva-international-motor-show-2019.html https://www.audi.com/en/experience-audi/mobility-and-trends/e-mobility/geneva-international-motor-show-2019.html https://www.audi.com/en/experience-audi/models-and-technology/concept-cars/q4-e-tron-concept.html https://www.audi.com/en/company/strategy.html “We are undergoing a transformation and are developing sustain able mobility solutions for the future as well as suitable opportunities for young people to join the company.”