The 2021 “SocAIty” study: Audi is addressing a social dimension of autonomous driving

The &Audi SocAIty study addresses the mobility of the future or, more precisely, the opportunities and challenges posed by autonomous driving. The intent behind the study is to make a decisive contribution to the public debate surrounding current issues relating to autonomous driving and the responsible use of new technologies in mobility. After all, it only takes a brief look at the current discourse on autonomous driving to realize the vital role it plays in many social issues. Yet on the one hand, it seems that society is not yet ready for such a major technological advance and much of the debate seems driven by fear. On the other, real-life labs and testing facilities are bringing the technology closer and closer to the very heart of our society every day. Simultaneously, the international legal situation is currently undergoing rapid developments. Equally, while sometimes seen as an obstacle to progress, issues of data protection are repeatedly raised for debate in the general discourse. Topics are discussed to much controversy and questions repeatedly raised for which there are, as yet, no clear answers. The present study addresses these questions and in doing so aims to answer open questions about the use of new technologies in mobility and their influence on people’s lives.

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Myths about autonomous driving

Will self-driving cars soon be a reality? And how will people’s attitude have to change to ensure autonomous driving meets with broad acceptance? The &Audi study “SocAIty”, compiled with the help of renowned experts, looks into these questions, among others. It also clears up some of the widespread myths surrounding the topic. What is true? And what is not?

Uta Klawitter

“Sleeping while Driving into the Weekend? Not yet…“

In late July 2021, a new German law went into effect that will allow fully automated vehicles* to drive regularly in public traffic within designated areas of operation in the future. But for which vehicles will that actually be feasible? How far along is the mobility of the future project in this country? The broad-ranging &Audi "SocAIty" study follows up on these questions. Uta Klawitter, Head of General Counsel Legal Services at Audi, is working with her team, which is focused on addressing the legal question of automation, and providing answers concerning the legal parameters of automated and autonomous driving.

* level 4, according to the SAE's J3016 standard

The 2021 “SocAIty” study: Audi is addressing a social dimension of autonomous driving

The 2021 “SocAIty” study: Audi is addressing a social dimension of autonomous driving

From the appropriate legal framework to ethical questions to digital responsibility: the 2021 “SocAIty” study from the &Audi Initiative examines the overall societal dimension of autonomous driving. In the process, leading experts from Europe, the US, and Asia comment from their various specialized perspectives and thereby initiate an ongoing discourse on the mobility of the future.

Saskia Lexen

The 2021 “SocAIty” study: “We are leaving the ivory tower and moving the dialog into the public sphere”

Law, ethics, and data protection: the future of autonomous driving is raising questions. The 2021 “SocAIty” study from the &Audi Initiative offers possible solutions and stimulates public discourse regarding the new technology and the mobility landscape of the future. In an interview about the Initiative, Project Manager Saskia Lexen talks about insights from the study and the social dimensions of autonomous driving.

Audi discusses social aspect of autonomous driving with experts at the IAA

The steering wheel retracts as if by magic, the driver’s seat slides into a comfortable position, and the car keeps on driving by itself. With its fully electric show car, the Audi grandsphere concept, the premium carmaker is showing at the IAA how the interior of the vehicle will change in the future as the driver becomes a passenger when driving functions become increasingly automated. In addition to the technological outlook, Audi’s activities at the IAA focused on the social aspect of automated driving with a panel discussion at the “House of Progress” brand pavilion in Munich.

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