Audi Hungaria as Hungary’s most attractive employer
Back to overview- Audi Hungaria is one of the most attractive employers in the Hungarian automotive industry. In 2024, AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. came in second in the “Most Attractive Employer in the Automotive Industry” category and the overall ranking.
- As a manufacturer of premium products, Audi Hungaria offers employees secure jobs and competitive pay and bonus systems.
- As of December 31, 2024, Audi Hungaria had 11,930 employees, making the company the biggest employer in the region.
- In 2024, about 80 employees worked at Group locations abroad. Apart from Germany, this included locations in China and Mexico.
- In addition, the company highly values continuous advanced training. Employees have been trained in Audi Akademie Hungaria’s 11,000-square-meter (118,403 sq. ft.) training center since 2011. In 2024, more than 15,000 employees participated in various training programs.
- All in all, around 360 interns worked at Audi Hungaria in 2024. Of these, 49 currently work for the company as full-time employees.
Training and scientific cooperation
Audi Hungaria supports forward-looking and practical training for the coming generations through numerous initiatives:
- For 15 years, the Audi Hungaria Education Center has offered German-speaking nursery school care to Hungarian and German children as well as education in German from primary through secondary school and vocational training. The diplomas are recognized in both Germany and Hungary.
- As part of its dual vocational training program, the company has worked successfully with the city’s secondary schools for over 20 years. The Audi Akademie Hungaria trainsapprentices in dual vocational training in twelve different vehicle, electronics, metal, and commercial trades. More than 2,600 young people have completed the dual vocational training at Audi Hungaria since 2001. Most of them have started their careers as skilled workers at Audi Hungaria.
- Audi Hungaria collaborates with five partner universities in Hungary. Széchenyi István University in Győr is a strategic, institutionalized science partner with a Faculty of Automotive Engineering and eight chairs, established by Audi Hungaria. Audi Hungaria is making an essential contribution to industry-relevant practice-oriented teaching and research content.